Jan 272016

I love doing literacy in school we learned the story of el dorado and a man came to school. A man who eats up Guinea pig and he called them   Lunch dinner and tea.

Jan 052016



Just look at this fantastic gingerbread train Gabrielle has made for us to share! It’s certainly a shame it doesn’t look like this anymore…it was delicious!!


Oct 112015

In the stone age they made houses out of cow dung and twigs. The people used tools made out of stone or sharp flint. They made axes to cut wood and spears and arrows to hunt for food.


stone age axe and spear


stone age arrow heads made of flint


stone age house


Oct 042015

In year 3 our Ict lesons we have been doing the 100 word challenge about every theme it has been great.


Sep 292015

In Science, we learned about how nutrients are digested. We acted out how proteins, fats and carbohydrates pass through the body and are digested in different places by enzymes! The nutrients are then absorbed into the blood in the small intestine.

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Sep 152015

Today we had our first proper lesson learning how to play the trumpet! We learned how to make the sound which is quite hard and we are looking forward to practicing with Mr Field!


Sep 142015

On Wednesday we created some Stone Age cave paintings using charcoal mixed in water and pastels. We used pictures of original paintings to help us with out ideas!

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Sep 092015


This is our class blog for Year 3! Come and have a look throughout the year at what these busy bees are getting up to!

Miss Speake