Sep 152015

Today we had our first proper lesson learning how to play the trumpet! We learned how to make the sound which is quite hard and we are looking forward to practicing with Mr Field!


  4 Responses to “Trumpets!”

  1. My name is George. I will be 8 in 42 days. I am looking forward to learn how to play the Trumpet.
    Mr Field will be in class on Tuesday. I’m feeling happy about it because I’ve wanted to know what its like !!!! I LIKE THE WAY IT SOUNDS.
    it’s shiny &gold & a tiny bit heavy. When you take it out of the case, you hold it carefully because its very Delicate.The trumpet is in the Brass family.They are played by blowing air through almost closed lips making a buzzing sound.
    it feels funny on my lips.

  2. We are leaning to play the Trumpet but I’m not very strong at playing it. My mum and dad said I can not get one for Christmas

  3. hey, My parents would say the same to.

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